What's Fresh?
We sell grapes to both individuals and wineries. We want any person to make as good a wine as wineries do with their expertise. To have this happen we take a lot of time and effort to make sure the grapes ripen fully. We spend countless hours arranging the canopy of leaves to ensure our grapes get the sun and air they need to produce the best flavors. Visit our vineyard and look at the work we've done.
Look at what is available in the different seasons:
Spring Call ahead for our pruning class, held late April - early May.
Summer If you would like to visit our farm please call ahead to make sure we will be working that day. For parties or weddings please call far in advance to work out logistics.
Autumn See "Winemakng Class" on the sidebar for more information. Cost is $30/per person.
Winter While the vineyard is covered with snow, the vines and nature lovers need time to rest and bath in thoughts of the warm, glorious days of summer lately past, and the fresh fields and vineyard of spring anew.